Beyond Miller v. Alabama: Understanding the Legal Landscape for Better Outcomes in Young Adult Sentencing
Wednesday, August 14 at 3 P.M.
One General CLE Hour
In 2012, Miller v. Alabama announced a substantive change in constitutional law surrounding the sentencing of youth in criminal court. Through tireless advocacy by defense attorneys in Illinois and nationwide, the reach of this decision included those serving mandatory, discretionary, as well as “de facto” (i.e., 40+ years) life sentences. Courts also began to explore expansion of these youth-centered protections, grounded in adolescent brain development, to young adults who are still in the throes of brain maturation. This sea change led to many individuals sentenced to die – or spend the overwhelming majority of their lives – in prison being given a second chance and a life outside of prison walls.
But has the tide turned? Recent decisions both federally and more significantly in the Illinois Supreme Court have narrowed the availability for relief for litigants – both for youth and emerging adults. This webinar will explore these recent decisions and discuss what arguments are "still on the table" and ways to frame arguments in both the trial court and the appellate court using statutory frameworks (including the Youthful Offender Parole Act), case law, and both the U.S. and Illinois constitutions.
Featuring speakers:
Shobha Lakshmi Mahadev, Northwestern University School of Law
Scott F. Main, Illinois Office of the State Appellate Defender
LIVE Webinar is FREE for IACDL members (new, renewing, and current!)
$50 for NON-Members