IACDL members are entitled to a variety of useful services and benefits, such as up-to-date membership roster, brief & motions bank, case law updates, list server access, quarterly journals and much more.
- List Servers
- Member Directory
- Article Database
- Motions Bank
- Case Law Updates
- Deposition Testimony
- Expert Challenges
- Medline-Pubmed
If you are a member, we encourage you to update your profile to make sure it is current.
Please note the IACDL Chairs for each committee:
- Social Events - Tracey Harkins - tharkins1214@gmail.com
- Membership - Patrick Sullivan - prdsullivan@gmail.com Vice Chairs by district TBA
- Social Media - Sharlyn Grace - Sharlyn.Grace@cookcountyil.gov
- CLE - Kulmeet “Bob” Galhotra - galhotralaw@gmail.com
- Legislative - Sharlyn Grace - Sharlyn.Grace@cookcountyil.gov & Dan Fultz - dfultz@bhslaw.com
- Amicus - Adam Sheppard (State) - adam@sheppardlaw.com and Jon Brayman (Federal) - jbrayman@breenpughlaw.com
If you so not see a committee listed and would like more information, please contact the Executive Director at xd.iacdl@gmail.com